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Sign Up!


Spell out a name on a VERY personal banner. Make a room sign for the proud parents to display. Create a great reading-readiness toy for a special kid. Or, mark your own grown-up territory with personality plus!

YOU design the sign, choosing colors and print fabric to match the space, and customizing the size and the style and lettering. Felt makes it quick and easy, ribbon or rickrack adds kickiness. What could be more unique and fun?



Do you like to piece? Consider one colorful banner to spell the name? Or, why not turn the name into the centerpiece for a fabulous baby quilt?

 During this workshop, I'll guide you in selecting a successful combination of colors and prints to accent your designated decor.

For a half-day workshop, no sewing machines necessary. Just bring small amounts of various colors and prints of fabrics, plus a 1/2 yard of flannel for the lining or backing. Oh, and good scissors, rotary-cutting supplies, pins.

I'll provide patterns for the letters, and an assortment of felt.  

For a full-day workshop, bring those sewing machines, and let's complete this baby! Click here for the flyer and supply list for my Sign Up! workshop. Then it's easy to get folks to, er, sign up!
